
This page contains all information you need to configure gfg_mining, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on our discord.


Config = {
    language = "en",                 
    debug = false,                  
    inventory = "ox_inventory",    
    target = "ox_target",          
    targetDistance = 2,            
    targetWaitTime = 1000,         
    pickaxe = {                                                  
        needed = true,             
        item = "pickaxe",          
        prop = "prop_tool_pickaxe",
    skillCheckKeys = {'e'},        


Language sets which Locale to use, you can find available locales in [gfg_mining/locale/], we will add more as they become available but feel free to add your own.

Language = "en",


Debug should only used in a development environment

Determines whether to send debug print statements to the client and server when using the script

Debug = false


Determines wich inventory resource to use.

Currently supported options are:

  • "ox_inventory"

  • "qb_inventory"

inventory = "ox_inventory",


Determines wich target resource to use.

Currently supported options are"

  • "ox_target"

  • "qb_target"

target = "ox_target",


Determines the distance from the rock/refining ped that the target is activated.

targetDistance = 2,


1000 is default but if you experience high resource usage you may need to increase this.

Determines how often the client checks for nearby objects to create a target for.

In Milliseconds

targetWaitTime = 1000,


Options related to the pickaxe item/prop when mining

  • needed = If 'true' the player needs the pickaxe to start mining.

  • item = The item name of the pickaxe in your inventory script.

  • prop = Determines the prop to create when mining.

    pickaxe = {                                                  
        needed = true,             
        item = "pickaxe",          
        prop = "prop_tool_pickaxe",


This is the configuration section for the options of the mineable rocks.

Config.RockOptions = {
    defaultRockDurability = 10000,  
    rockDurabilityRefreshTime = 5,  
    onlySetDurabilityIfZero = true, 
    rockDurabilityRefreshAdd = 1000,
    rewards = {                     
        { label = "Raw Stone", itemName = "rawstone", chance = 90, duration = 5000, rockDurabilityLoss = 500, difficulty = {'easy'}, alwaysReceive = true },
        {label = "Raw Iron", itemName = "rawiron", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Bauxite", itemName = "rawbauxite", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Coal", itemName = "rawcoal", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Copper", itemName = "rawcopper", chance = 50, duration = 8000, rockDurabilityLoss = 2000, difficulty = {'easy', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Silver", itemName = "rawsilver", chance = 35, duration = 9000, rockDurabilityLoss = 5000, difficulty = {'medium', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Gold", itemName = "rawgold", chance = 30, duration = 9000, rockDurabilityLoss = 5000, difficulty = {'medium', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Sapphire", itemName = "rawsapphire", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Emerald", itemName = "rawemerald", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Ruby", itemName = "rawruby", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Diamond", itemName = "rawdiamond", chance = 1, duration = 15000, rockDurabilityLoss = 10000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard', 'hard'}},
    props = {                       
        "h4_prop_rock_med_01", "h4_prop_rock_med_02", 
        "h4_prop_rock_med_03", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_01", 
        "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_02", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_03", 
        "rock_4_cl_2_1", "rock_4_cl_2_2"
    blips = {                                               
            coords = vec3(-596.3600, 2089.4424, 131.4127),
            sprite = 124,                                 
            color = 64,                                   
            scale = 0.7,                                  
            text = "Mineshaft"                            


Determines the default rock durability of each rock that doesn't have durability manually set

defaultRockDurability = 10000,


Determines how often the rocks add durability to their durability amount (In Minutes)

rockDurabilityRefreshTime = 5,


If 'true' only refreshes durability on rocks that have zero durability

onlySetDurabilityIfZero = true,


If you'd like the refresh ability to refresh all rocks to full, set this to an exorbitant amount.

Determines how much durability to add to the rock durability every refresh

rockDurabilityRefreshAdd = 1000,


At least one rewards item must have the alwaysReceive = true variable

Table containing the possible rewards the player can get from mining a rock

  • label = The label of the item (Used for menu/progress bar).

  • itemName = The item name within your inventory script.

  • chance = The chance the player will get this item when mining (90 = 90% chance).

  • duration = Determines how long it takes to mine this item (In Milliseconds).

  • rockDurabilityLoss = Determines how much durability this item removes from the rock when mined.

  • difficulty = Determines the difficulty of the skill check for this item, information on how to customize this can be found here: (

  • alwaysReceive = Determines if this item is always received when mining a rock regardless of the chance (Optional).

 rewards = {                     
               label = "Raw Stone", 
               itemName = "rawstone", 
               chance = 90, 
               duration = 5000, 
               rockDurabilityLoss = 500, 
               difficulty = {'easy'}, 
               alwaysReceive = true 


Determines the props that may be used when the rocks are created on server start. If you'd like to find more props, we recommend using this: (

For each rock (Unless it has a rock defined) it chooses a random prop from this list to use.

    props = {                       
        "h4_prop_rock_med_01", "h4_prop_rock_med_02", 
        "h4_prop_rock_med_03", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_01", 
        "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_02", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_03", 
        "rock_4_cl_2_1", "rock_4_cl_2_2"


List of blips used to mark mining areas (Optional)

  • coords = Determines the coordinates of the blip.

  • sprite = Determines the sprite of the blip.

  • color = Determines the color of the blip.

  • scale = Determines the scale of the blip.

  • text = Determines the text of the blip.

blips = {                                               
    coords = vec3(-596.3600, 2089.4424, 131.4127),
    sprite = 124,                                 
    color = 64,                                   
    scale = 0.7,                                  
    text = "Mineshaft"                            


This is the configuration section for refining

Config.RefiningOptions = {                                      
    startRefiningTime = 2000,               
    deafultRefiningTime = 60000,          
    deafultRefinedAmount = 1,             
    defaultRefiningPed = {                                      
        model = "s_m_y_dockwork_01",      
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"
    defaultRefiningBlip = {                                     
        sprite = 648,                     
        color = 64,                       
        scale = 0.7,                      
        text = 'Refinery'                 
    refiningLocations = {
        -- hidden refinery (ONLY FOR DEMONSTRATION)
        -- Comment this location out for nomral functionality
            coords = vec4(1084.5447, -2016.7728, 41.4803, 110.2267),
            items = {                                               
                "rawstone", "rawiron",                              
                "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"
            ped = {                                                 
                model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",                        
                scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING"                   
            blip = {                                                
                hide = true,                                        
                sprite = 621,                                       
                color = 8,                                          
                scale = 1.0,                                        
                text = "Party Refinery"                             

        -- normal refinery
            coords = vec4(1104.3625, -2011.9668, 30.8764, 26.9737),
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },

        -- precious metal refinery
            coords = vec4(1123.7616, -1997.9230, 35.4394, 126.4648), 
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },
            blip = {sprite = 618, color = 46, text = 'Precious Metal Refinery'},

        -- jewel refinery
            coords = vec4(1074.0748, -2009.3641, 32.0850, 56.9703), 
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },
            blip = {sprite = 617, color = 32, text = 'Jewels Refinery'}
    refinedItems = {                        
        {label = "Refined Stone", itemName = "refinedstone", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Stone", refinedFrom = "rawstone", icon = 'mattress-pillow', refiningTime = 10000, amount = 2, },
        {label = "Refined Iron", itemName = "refinediron", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Iron", refinedFrom = "rawiron", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Bauxite", itemName = "refinedbauxite", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Bauxite", refinedFrom = "rawbauxite", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Coal", itemName = "refinedcoal", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Coal", refinedFrom = "rawcoal", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Copper", itemName = "refinedcopper", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Copper", refinedFrom = "rawcopper", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Silver", itemName = "refinedsilver", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Silver", refinedFrom = "rawsilver", icon = 'coins'},
        {label = "Refined Gold", itemName = "refinedgold", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Gold", refinedFrom = "rawgold", icon = 'coins'},
        {label = "Refined Sapphire", itemName = "refinedsapphire", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Sapphire", refinedFrom = "rawsapphire", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Emerald", itemName = "refinedemerald", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Emerald", refinedFrom = "rawemerald", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Ruby", itemName = "refinedruby", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Ruby", refinedFrom = "rawruby", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Diamond", itemName = "refineddiamond", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Diamond", refinedFrom = "rawdiamond", icon = 'gem'},


Determines the time it takes to hand in all items to the refiner (In Milliseconds).

startRefiningTime = 2000,


Default time it takes for each reward item to be refined if the item doesn't have a time set. (In Milliseconds).

deafultRefiningTime = 60000,


Default amount that the player receives for refining an item if the item doesn't have an amount set.

deafultRefinedAmount = 1,


Default ped options if a refinery doesn't have one set.

  • model = Default ped model used if the refining location doesn't have a ped model set.

  • scenario = Default scenario the ped will play if the refining location doesn't have a scenario set.

defaultRefiningPed = {                                      
    model = "s_m_y_dockwork_01",      
    scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"


Default blip data for refineries if they don't have specific blip data set.

  • sprite = Default blip sprite used if the location doesn't have one set.

  • color = Default blip color used if the location doesn't have one set.

  • scale = Default blip scale used if the location doesn't have one set.

  • text = Default blip text used if the location doesn't have one set.

defaultRefiningBlip = {                                     
    sprite = 648,                     
    color = 64,                       
    scale = 0.7,                      
    text = 'Refinery'                 


Options marked (Optional) do not need to be used. If they are omitted, the default data set earlier will be used.

The "coords" option must be a vector4 (Includes heading)

The entries in the "items" array must match the "itemName" defined in "Config.RockOptions.rewards"

Determines the locations and data for each refinery.

  • coords = Determines the coordinates for the refining ped.

  • items = Determines which items can be refined at this location (Optional).

  • ped = Determines the ped information for this location (Optional).

    • model = Determines the ped model for this location (Optional).

    • scenario = Determines the ped scenario for this location (Optional).

  • blip = Determines the blip options for this location (Optional)

    • hide = Determines of the blip is hidden (Optional).

    • sprite = Determines the sprite of the blip (Optional).

    • color = Determines the color of the blip (Optional).

    • scale = Determines the scale of the blip (Optional).

    • text = Determines the text of the blip (Optional).

refiningLocations = {
        coords = vec4(1084.5447, -2016.7728, 41.4803, 110.2267),
        items = {                                               
            "rawstone", "rawiron",                              
            "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"
        ped = {                                                 
            model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",                        
            scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING"                   
        blip = {                                                
            hide = true,                                        
            sprite = 621,                                       
            color = 8,                                          
            scale = 1.0,                                        
            text = "Party Refinery"                             


Options marked (Optional) do not need to be used. If they are omitted, the default data set earlier will be used.

Determines the items that can be refined.

  • label = The label of the refined item (For menu purposes).

  • itemName = The name of the refined item in your inventory script.

  • refinedFromLabel = The label of raw item that the item is refined from.

  • refinedFrom = The name of the raw item in your inventory script that the item is refined from.

  • icon = The icon that is used in the menu for this item.

  • refiningTime = The amount of time it takes for one of this item to be refined (In Milliseconds) (Optional).

  • amount = The amount of the refined item this yields (Optional).

refinedItems = {                        
        label = "Refined Stone", 
        itemName = "refinedstone", 
        refinedFromLabel = "Raw Stone", 
        refinedFrom = "rawstone", 
        icon = 'mattress-pillow', 
        refiningTime = 10000, 
        amount = 2,


Options marked (Optional) do not need to be used. If they are omitted, the default data set earlier will be used.

The "coords" option must be a vector3

The "rotation" option uses rotation order "0". More information on rotation orders can be found here (

Determines the rocks that can be mined

  • coords = Determines the coordinates of the rock.

  • rotation = Determines the rotation of the rock (Optional).

  • rewards = Determines the rewards this rock can give (Optional).

  • prop = Determines the prop this rock uses (Optional).

  • durability = Determines the durability of the rock (Optional).

Config.Rocks = {                                           
        coords = vec3(-613.746704, 2103.998779, 125.559807),   
        rotation = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0),                
        rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron"},               
        prop = "prop_test_rocks01",                      
        durability = 3000                              

Example Config

Config = {
    language = "en",                                            -- Language sets which Locale to use, you can find available locales in [gfg_mining/locale/], we will add more as they become available but feel free to add your own.
    debug = true,                                               -- Determines whether to send debug print statements to the client and server when using the script (Debug should only used in a development environment)
    inventory = "ox_inventory",                                 -- Determines wich inventory resource to use. Currently supported options are: "ox_inventory" & "qb_inventory".
    target = "ox_target",                                       -- Determines wich target resource to use. Currently supported options are: "ox_target" & "qb_target".
    targetDistance = 2,                                         -- Determines the distance that the target is activated.
    targetWaitTime = 1000,                                      -- Determines the amount of time the client checks for nearby ojects to create a target for. (1000 is probably fine but if you experience high resource usage you may need to increase this.)
    pickaxe = {                                                  
        needed = true,                                          -- If 'true' the player needs the pickaxe to start mining.
        item = "pickaxe",                                       -- The item name of the pickaxe in your inventory script.
        prop = "prop_tool_pickaxe",                             -- Determines the prop to create when mining.
    skillCheckKeys = {'e'},                                     -- Determines the keys used during the skill check, information on how to customize this can be found here (

Config.RockOptions = {
    defaultRockDurability = 10000,                              -- Determines the default rock durability of each rock that doesnt have durability manualy set
    rockDurabilityRefreshTime = 5,                              -- Determines how often the rocks add durability to their durability amount (In Minutes)
    onlySetDurabilityIfZero = true,                             -- If 'true' only refreshes durability on rocks that have zero durability
    rockDurabilityRefreshAdd = 1000,                            -- Determines how much durability to add tot eh rock durability every refresh
    rewards = {                                                 -- Table containing the possible rewards the player can get from mining a rock
            label = "Raw Stone",                                -- The label of the item
            itemName = "rawstone",                              -- The item name within your inventory script
            chance = 90,                                        -- The chance the player will get this item when mining (90 = 90% chance)
            duration = 5000,                                    -- Determines how long it takes to mine this item.
            rockDurabilityLoss = 500,                           -- Determines how much durability this item removes from the rock when mined
            difficulty = {'easy'},                              -- Determines the difficulty of the skill check for this item, information on how to customize this can be found here (
            alwaysReceive = true                                -- Determines if this item is always received when mining a rock (Optional)(!!! WARNING !!! at least one item in the rewards must have alwaysReceive set to 'true')
        {label = "Raw Iron", itemName = "rawiron", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Bauxite", itemName = "rawbauxite", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Coal", itemName = "rawcoal", chance = 70, duration = 6000, rockDurabilityLoss = 1000, difficulty = {'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Copper", itemName = "rawcopper", chance = 50, duration = 8000, rockDurabilityLoss = 2000, difficulty = {'easy', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Silver", itemName = "rawsilver", chance = 35, duration = 9000, rockDurabilityLoss = 5000, difficulty = {'medium', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Gold", itemName = "rawgold", chance = 30, duration = 9000, rockDurabilityLoss = 5000, difficulty = {'medium', 'medium'}},
        {label = "Raw Sapphire", itemName = "rawsapphire", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Emerald", itemName = "rawemerald", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Ruby", itemName = "rawruby", chance = 5, duration = 10000, rockDurabilityLoss = 8000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard'}},
        {label = "Raw Diamond", itemName = "rawdiamond", chance = 1, duration = 15000, rockDurabilityLoss = 10000, difficulty = {'medium', 'hard', 'hard'}},
    props = {                                                   -- Determines the props that may be used when the rocks are created on server start
        "h4_prop_rock_med_01", "h4_prop_rock_med_02", 
        "h4_prop_rock_med_03", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_01", 
        "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_02", "h4_prop_rock_scree_med_03", 
        "rock_4_cl_2_1", "rock_4_cl_2_2"

Config.RefiningOptions = {                                      
    startRefiningTime = 2000,                                   -- Determines the time it takes to hand in all items to the refiner.
    deafultRefiningTime = 60000,                                -- Default time it takes for each reward item to be refined if the item doesnt have a time set.
    deafultRefinedAmount = 1,                                   -- Default amount that the player receives for refining an item if the item doesnt have an amount set.
    defaultRefiningPed = {                                      
        model = "s_m_y_dockwork_01",                            -- Deafult ped model used if the refining location doesnt have a ped model set
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD"                      -- Default scenario the ped will play if the refining location doesnt have a scenario set.
    defaultRefiningBlip = {                                     
        sprite = 648,                                           -- Default blip sprite used if the location doesnt have one set.
        color = 64,                                             -- Default blip color used if the location doesnt have one set.
        scale = 0.7,                                            -- Default blip scale used if the location doesnt have one set.
        text = 'Refinery'                                       -- Default blip text used if the location doesnt have one set.
    refiningLocations = {
        -- hidden refinery (ONLY FOR DEMONSTRATION)
        -- Comment this location out for nomral functionality
            coords = vec4(1084.5447, -2016.7728, 41.4803, 110.2267),-- Determines the coordinates fo the refining ped (!!! WARNING !!! must be a vector4)
            items = {                                               -- Determines wich items can be refined at this location (Optional). If ommited, uses all the items in Config.RockOptions.rewards
                "rawstone", "rawiron",                              -- Must be the itemName defined in Config.RockOptions.rewards
                "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"
            ped = {                                                 -- Determines the ped information for this location (Optional)
                model = "s_m_m_dockwork_01",                        -- Determines the ped model for this location
                scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_PARTYING"                   -- Determines the ped scenario for this location
            blip = {                                                -- Determines the blip options for this location (Optional)
                hide = true,                                        -- Determines of the blip is hidden
                sprite = 621,                                       -- Determines the sprite of the blip
                color = 8,                                          -- Determines the color of the blip
                scale = 1.0,                                        -- Determines the scale of the blip
                text = "Party Refinery"                             -- Determines the text of the blip.

        -- normal refinery
            coords = vec4(1104.3625, -2011.9668, 30.8764, 26.9737),
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },

        -- precious metal refinery
            coords = vec4(1123.7616, -1997.9230, 35.4394, 126.4648), 
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },
            blip = {sprite = 618, color = 46, text = 'Precious Metal Refinery'},

        -- jewel refinery
            coords = vec4(1074.0748, -2009.3641, 32.0850, 56.9703), 
            items = { "rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper" },
            blip = {sprite = 617, color = 32, text = 'Jewels Refinery'}
    refinedItems = {                                                -- Determines the items that can be refined.
            label = "Refined Stone",                                -- The label of the item (For menu purposes).
            itemName = "refinedstone",                              -- The name of the item in your inventory script.
            refinedFromLabel = "Raw Stone",                         -- The label of item that the item is refined from.
            refinedFrom = "rawstone",                               -- The name of the item in your inventory script that the item is refined from.
            icon = 'mattress-pillow',                               -- The icon that is used in the menu for this item.
            refiningTime = 10000,                                   -- The amount of time it takes for one of this item to be refined (In Milliseconds) (Optional)
            amount = 2,                                             -- The amount of the refined item this yields. (Optional)
        {label = "Refined Iron", itemName = "refinediron", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Iron", refinedFrom = "rawiron", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Bauxite", itemName = "refinedbauxite", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Bauxite", refinedFrom = "rawbauxite", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Coal", itemName = "refinedcoal", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Coal", refinedFrom = "rawcoal", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Copper", itemName = "refinedcopper", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Copper", refinedFrom = "rawcopper", icon = 'mattress-pillow'},
        {label = "Refined Silver", itemName = "refinedsilver", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Silver", refinedFrom = "rawsilver", icon = 'coins'},
        {label = "Refined Gold", itemName = "refinedgold", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Gold", refinedFrom = "rawgold", icon = 'coins'},
        {label = "Refined Sapphire", itemName = "refinedsapphire", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Sapphire", refinedFrom = "rawsapphire", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Emerald", itemName = "refinedemerald", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Emerald", refinedFrom = "rawemerald", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Ruby", itemName = "refinedruby", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Ruby", refinedFrom = "rawruby", icon = 'gem'},
        {label = "Refined Diamond", itemName = "refineddiamond", refinedFromLabel = "Raw Diamond", refinedFrom = "rawdiamond", icon = 'gem'},

Config.Rocks = {                                            -- Determines the rocks that can be mined

    -- Comment this rock out for nomral functionality
        coords = vec3(-613.746704, 2103.998779, 125.559807),      -- Determines the coordinates of the rock.
        rotation = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 180.0),                   -- Determines the rotation of the rock (Optional).
        rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron"},                  -- Determines the rewards this rock can give (Optional).
        -- prop = "prop_test_rocks01",                         -- Determines the prop this rock uses (Optional).
        durability = 3000                                 -- Determines the durability of the rock (Optional).

    -- Entrance (Easy)
    {coords = vec3(-592.275696, 2080.894287, 130.349731), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-594.399719, 2078.630859, 130.394424), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-590.654724, 2074.891602, 130.332657), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-589.236450, 2069.198975, 130.180725), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-588.573730, 2066.519043, 130.115250), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-587.470764, 2060.281982, 129.762726), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-586.567139, 2053.242432, 129.199509), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-584.802124, 2046.198853, 128.598450), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-583.293823, 2042.785889, 128.277588), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-581.485657, 2039.450317, 127.990494), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-579.805603, 2031.773438, 127.428123), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-575.196838, 2030.480713, 127.187271), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-572.402222, 2022.780640, 126.796333), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-565.319885, 2015.486694, 126.410469), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-556.743774, 2003.468384, 126.143974), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-552.341492, 1995.937012, 126.054718), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-549.336914, 1996.348633, 126.031670), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-546.100220, 1990.892456, 126.029320), rewards = {"rawstone"}},
    {coords = vec3(-546.840271, 1985.238892, 126.026169), rewards = {"rawstone"}},

    -- Tunnel A (Right)
    {coords = vec3(-542.207092, 1978.908447, 126.026352), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-541.471619, 1973.710938, 125.986397), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-543.894409, 1971.153198, 125.991150), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-540.708740, 1966.693115, 125.846161), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-543.369202, 1966.549683, 125.892509), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-539.851074, 1960.107788, 125.666542), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-538.677307, 1952.928345, 125.311035), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-536.499084, 1945.766602, 124.926613), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-539.568970, 1946.136841, 125.017517), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-534.683594, 1937.914673, 124.369843), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-537.564270, 1937.522583, 124.380753), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-533.928833, 1934.112305, 124.104813), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-533.610107, 1930.150879, 123.819298), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-536.390198, 1926.824341, 123.588013), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-533.624756, 1923.381226, 123.312149), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-534.023804, 1919.289307, 123.004623), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-536.552979, 1923.044922, 123.251022), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-534.934021, 1914.303345, 122.687500), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-540.190186, 1909.102905, 122.259659), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-543.729065, 1899.741699, 122.022942), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-549.666260, 1897.770142, 122.034912), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-549.670044, 1894.005127, 121.979408), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-555.638367, 1889.666992, 122.011955), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-561.754395, 1889.354370, 122.034920), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-560.965759, 1886.683838, 122.035042), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-564.280884, 1885.211914, 122.035095), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-564.889832, 1886.162476, 122.035057), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-565.207031, 1886.988525, 122.034973), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},

    -- Tunnel A (Right) Sub-Tunnel A (Left)
    {coords = vec3(-536.385193, 1906.341797, 122.124054), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-534.746094, 1905.406860, 122.079491), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-533.828308, 1901.749634, 122.071693), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-529.753357, 1899.003418, 121.894981), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-528.368896, 1901.408569, 121.901901), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-524.861023, 1896.406982, 121.595360), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-520.966980, 1897.848511, 121.376228), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-516.367004, 1893.362061, 121.058174), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-515.297424, 1895.993042, 121.028023), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-509.195068, 1895.103027, 120.597107), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-500.906342, 1892.100464, 119.938255), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-500.603241, 1894.875244, 119.905113), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-497.279724, 1895.256348, 119.649033), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-494.463928, 1892.644409, 119.499466), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-485.854675, 1893.381104, 118.993408), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-486.082642, 1896.028076, 118.996597), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-481.567688, 1896.287109, 118.671555), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-481.332001, 1895.447510, 118.656631), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},
    {coords = vec3(-481.233734, 1894.559204, 118.652885), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby"}},

    -- Tunnel B (Left)
    {coords = vec3(-537.943359, 1983.404175, 126.026382), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-536.725525, 1980.262085, 126.055756), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-533.003235, 1982.411499, 126.001572), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-527.834045, 1978.612793, 125.877037), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-525.963989, 1981.246582, 125.792587), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-520.714844, 1980.661499, 125.619843), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-517.491089, 1977.773804, 125.523651), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-512.866150, 1980.405273, 125.307236), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-511.746918, 1977.644165, 125.271942), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-508.446655, 1980.632202, 125.181198), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-505.266235, 1980.721680, 125.095222), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-497.830353, 1982.328491, 124.548309), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-496.910339, 1979.520996, 124.535919), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-491.450989, 1985.021118, 123.720940), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-487.553284, 1983.777710, 123.482574), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-483.109680, 1985.207031, 123.176819), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-483.671661, 1988.060425, 123.168320), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-481.156555, 1988.786865, 123.039604), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-476.686829, 1990.285889, 122.863312), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-468.567017, 1990.819092, 122.614136), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-469.677246, 1993.469971, 122.622765), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-463.991638, 1997.804810, 122.572563), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-456.618103, 2000.842285, 122.545273), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-458.410217, 2003.166626, 122.560143), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-453.954163, 2008.447998, 122.571838), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-448.796204, 2009.416260, 122.545525), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-445.812439, 2011.872559, 122.545227), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-446.847839, 2014.708374, 122.554054), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},
    {coords = vec3(-444.140564, 2016.457886, 122.545525), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper"}},

    -- Tunnel B (Left) Sub-Tunnel A (Left)
    {coords = vec3(-450.512146, 2014.674072, 122.554131), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-450.210388, 2018.275879, 122.576324), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-451.054138, 2023.327515, 122.504265), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-449.437286, 2029.735596, 122.373390), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-452.433868, 2029.778320, 122.374184), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-453.952393, 2035.994019, 122.065659), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-454.002319, 2044.289673, 121.742661), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-456.653534, 2043.154907, 121.739914), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-460.119934, 2049.789307, 121.474762), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-460.958130, 2051.276367, 121.335655), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-461.302551, 2057.802002, 120.675011), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-465.680206, 2060.145264, 120.182014), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-467.069214, 2063.488281, 119.890762), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-465.944702, 2068.191162, 119.729332), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-466.970978, 2071.415283, 119.589584), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-471.799988, 2077.933350, 119.326653), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-469.840149, 2082.491943, 119.209816), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-470.472656, 2086.170654, 119.104805), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-473.464233, 2086.323486, 119.114975), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-474.210938, 2089.778564, 119.065201), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-473.194244, 2090.033936, 119.065163), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-472.487549, 2090.243652, 119.065041), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawiron", "rawbauxite", "rawcoal", "rawcopper", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},

    -- Tunnel B (Left) Sub-Tunnel A (Left) Sub Tunnel B (Right)
    {coords = vec3(-455.910950, 2052.202881, 121.301605), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-451.726074, 2054.261719, 121.204506), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-433.385620, 2060.989502, 120.205276), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-428.665771, 2065.072998, 119.640602), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-427.237183, 2065.395508, 119.465134), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-425.956238, 2065.706543, 119.272820), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-422.783386, 2063.506592, 118.942032), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-422.739563, 2064.566895, 118.927132), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},
    {coords = vec3(-423.116486, 2065.337402, 118.917175), rewards = {"rawstone", "rawsilver", "rawgold", "rawsapphire", "rawemerald", "rawruby", "rawdiamond"}},

Last updated